Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Day at the Beach

We spent a day last weekend at our friends Javier and Wren's condo on 
Satellite Beach.
We had a great day!

Owen smiling and eating

The kids were perfecting their shuffleboard skills...which may come in handy
in 70 or so years :)


More swimming!

Olivia and Adrian

Monday, September 21, 2009

What we've been doing...sort of...

Indoor lunch picnic!

Owen in his new sneakers and killer smile :)
Olivia got new sneakers with real laces!!!

Tinkerbell pom poms!


Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome

Owen contracted some sort of viral infection, most likely on the trip home from the wedding, and the result was this rash.
A whole day was spent in doctor's offices and the hospital until it was finally diagnosed.
It was scary, it looked really scary but Owen cleared up in about 3 weeks.
He still has discolorations but those will eventually fade.  

Summer trip to Patrick and Carolina's wedding!

Climbing on each other in the plane

We made it!  No real tantrums!

Some pictures from Pat and Carolina's wedding weekend