Well, it's been a while...I managed a week and a half ago to get a horrible flu/upper respiratory illness that had me in bed for 5 days with a 103 fever and a trip to the hospital...my parents and Bill saved the day so I wouldn't infect the kids. I missed them and they seemed to grow up while I was in bed!!!
Bill took a 5 day trip with some friends to Georgia to try and work on some movie sets and meet some stunt coordinators. He returned home last night with a sore back from all the driving. He met some people and is hoping to get some work out of the trip.
After a glorious 2 weeks of Owen's tear duct seeming to be healed-it clogged again (not that it really went away but the sympton's were gone) and so we rescheduled the eye surgeon appointment.
I took him this morning and after the exam the doctor has concluded he will need surgery. My poor boy will have to be put under general anesthesia at Arnold Palmer children's hospital for the 5 minute procedure...I am scared but know it is the best for him.
We will be making the surgery appointment soon and I will let you all know when it is.
Olivia will be two years old soon! Where has the time gone!!!???