Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Little Boy Blue

Owen is such a muffin!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Not so Happy Meal

I bought Olivia her first Happy Meal yesterday...
Can I assume she didn't like it?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fall is here...

Otherwise known as the temperature is finally below 85 degrees!
The day of the pumpkin patch I "made" cookies with Olivia.  I taught her how to plop ready to bake ones on a cookie sheet and wait.  She loved watching the cookies in the oven and even chose to read a book in the dining room so she could be close to the cookies.

She didn't really like the cookies though-maybe she can tell they are store bought!!

Please look at these pictures in reverse...for some reason everything is uploading backwards...UGH!!!

6 months!

Owen had his 6 month check up
16 pounds 10 oz
26 inches

And lots of shots!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

All by myself...

I ventured out for the first time by myself with both kids today.  We went to a bookstore in Winter Park that was having a Mr. Richard concert.
He is a local folk/children's musician who is AWESOME!  I wish I had brought my camera because Olivia was a dancing superstar!  she was right up front dancing, jumping, and squealing.
Owen just made googly eyes with all the moms.
I bought the kids one if his cd's which he signed and told Olivia she was "a really great dancer".

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jump Around

I like jumping!!

In my quest to figure out what to do with a 6 month old squirmy wormy baby boy who wants to pull up on things and start walking I borrowed this jumper from a friend.  Hallelujah!!
Owen's leg were built to jump!  He squeals and screams and smiles so much.  If you look in the background of these pictures you can see Olivia clapping and jumping too.  One of Olivia's favorite words to say now is"jump"!  

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Owen's adventures

Look at my buggy!

Follow me!

Playing with my sister's toys

Sitting in my new booster seat

Screaming and having fun!

Owen is on fire!! He is playing and trying to walk of course which is keeping us very busy!!

We got him a booster seat so I can feed them both at the same time.  They love sitting across from each other and making faces-it is so nice to see them interacting!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Double Trouble

We got the double stroller today...look out world here we come!

I took the kids for a walk after lunch and it went well...Owen kept trying to pull off Olivia's hat.  She would say "no no Owen, no, no Owen".  Owen is such a busy body!

Pushing them together is more of a workout than I thought :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday in the Park

We spent Sunday morning in the park with friends for some breakfast and playground fun.

Adrian and Olivia playing.  

Owen loving the swings with Olivia

Owen and Carter.
They were born just two weeks apart.

It's always fun to stick two chubby babies on one swing!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Kids

Look at that sneaky grin :)

Brushing all my teeth!

Mommy love

The kids are doing so much!  It's getting hard to keep up!  Owen is VERY active and is no loner content just sitting in his exersaucer, bouncy chair, or even just being held.  He needs constant toys, games, movement, and a sister to try and catch.  He can sit up by himself (we of course still need to sit behind him for the occasional catch), rolls over the whole floor, and is grabbing everything in sight.  He loves when Olivia lies on the floor next to him and hugs him.
Owen is eating solids now.  He has had pears, peaches, squash, carrots, bananas, and rice cereal.

Olivia has continued her gymnastics class and is getting more used to the experience every week.  She loves jumping on the trampoline the best.  She is WIPED OUT at the end of it which makes for a very good nap on Saturdays.  She finally has alot of teeth coming in and has her molars.  She is talking up a storm and even has some sentences.  She is a quick learner-sometimes too quick!! She loves to color and draw-good thing I got the washable crayons!!

Hope everyone is doing well!