Sunday, August 31, 2008

Prune facials

It may look like chocolate, but it is prunes...Olivia can't get enough of her prunes.  I guess prunes feel good on your fingers.  

I want prunes too!!  Give me prunes!!!

This is a picture of Olivia at a playground in Newburyport on our vacation a few weeks ago.  She is quite the playground daredevil.
We went to a playground by our house today and I have never seen another 17 month old with such a "no fear" attitude!

She loves to run and chase around with the older kids...Olivia pretty much scouts for kids who are twice as big and does whatever they do.  She loves to climb and loves to run up the slide and go back down head first.

Owen went on the swing for the first time today too!  I am kicking myself for not bringing the camera!  He loved it and was making googly eyes at everyone at the park.

We are heading to a friends tomorrow afternoon for a cookout...Have a great Labor Day!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Slackin off

I've been slacking with posts and pictures...Having two little ones is finally catching up with me!  I'll have some good ones over the week!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Growing up

I don't think I like cereal...

Owen has started cereal once a day...he just kind of mushes it in his mouth.  Owen had his 4 month appt. last week and he is doing great.  He is in the 50% for weight and 20% for height.  He's my "little" man :)

I brought the kids to get pictures taken together yesterday...can't wait to see how they turned out.  They had the cutest outfits on that we got while in Maine.

Just still trying to get back in the swing of things from being on vacation...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A "conversation" between my kids

I wonder what they are saying to each other.....could it be something like this?

Olivia: Look, I'm thing 1 and you're thing 2...haha I'm number 1!!!
Owen: What? I'm number 2! are you serious??

Owen: Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! I want number 1!
Olivia: You need to control your emotions and just smile :) I'll teach you number 2!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Miss Funny Face

Thug face

"Cheeeeeeesssssseeeeeeee" face.  Yes she says that.  (Note the wall on the right...she fell and smacked her face against and got a big bruise on her cheek...she was fine:)

Another funny face

Making everyone smile!!  

Being a pretty little girl

The bridge

This is the bridge station Jim works at in the summer.  It is right near their beach house.

Jim invited us up to see the view and how everything works.

This is the main operating area...Olivia liked looking at all the buttons.  Jim let her sound the horn!
I did it!!! 

Owen's turn!

The ocean breezes pooped Owen out

Fingers are yummy...

What you lookin' at??

Owen in his swimsuit.  We dug a small hole under the towel and all he wanted to do was get out of it! Look at those rolls!

Just chillin' with my shades on!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olivia's fun in the sun

Papa leading Olivia down to the waves.  After this moment, she spent most of the time she was ever on the beach in the water.  If you have ever swam in the Atlantic anywhere on the New England coast, you know how freezing it is.  We would pull her out when she was shivering and just about to turn blue.  She couldn't get enough!!  I remember being young and freezing my butt off but I did not want to get out of that ocean.

Olivia liked helping herself to other kids toys...but then I realized that's what all the kids on the beach do.  She made so many friends, little kids just go up to one another and play with everyone's shovels and toys.  Wouldn't it be nice if adults could "play" like that!

Paula and Jim have beautiful flowers in their front yard.  The yard was just big enough for Olivia to run around in and have fun.  She loved picking flowers to give to people.  Notice she has on a watch...she thinks watches are "so pretty" so my mom and Paula picked her up one.

In the front yard there are also some gravel rocks...Olivia would pick out "pretty" ones and line them up on the wall.  This game proved for hours of enjoyment.

Olivia and Mommy!  I had so much fun seeing Olivia have so much fun where I have had so many great memories.

More pictures and fun stories to come!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back from the Beach!

Last week we went to visit Seabrook, NH to stay with friends of our family, Paula and Jim.

Thanks Paula and Jim!!  

We had an amazing time and I have tons of pictures and fun adventures (tantrums, crashes with walls, bridge operation, lobsters, etc.) to write about...I'll be posting about it all this week. 

Here are a few pictures to start---

Here I am Seabrook Beach!!

Slightly sleepy...

Can you say Muffin Top?

Fun in the mud with Daddy

Me and the man