Monday, June 30, 2008

Kid Stuff

Owen playing on the floor--he likes looking at all of Olivia's toys.  He is almost rolling over!

Olivia and Mommy-of course I took this picture, I wonder sometimes how many pictures there will be of me and the kids...I seem to be the one who takes all the pictures:) Olivia has been growing closer to me everyday...I think she is entering the "mommy I need you" phase--I love it!

Olivia in her new "car".  She likes to shift the gears and honk the horn.  Will she take after her daddy?

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Owen & Grandma

Owen and his Grandma Kathy...he's passed out!  We had gone out for lunch that day and it was pretty warm so he was a tired boy.  Last weekend was also Bill's sister Aileen's 28th Birthday, we had pasta dinner and brownies! Yum!  Owen's Great Aunt Anne was also here for that visit to meet her great niece and nephew.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Baby Shower!!




Sunday was my friend Dianne's Baby Shower.  She and her husband are having a little girl in mid-August.
It was held at Fifi's in Downtown Orlando.  We had a great brunch and delicious cupcakes.
It's always fun to celebrate babies!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Owen and Patrick

Owen and his uncle on the computer this past weekend

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sea World

Hi there Polar Bear!

Are you real?

Let me give you a BIG KISS!

My company held the annual summer party at Sea World on Saturday.  It was park passes and a picnic.  We only brought Olivia since it would be too hot and not too much fun for a 9 week old.
We saw the Sesame Street Show and The Polar Bear Exhibit.  
Olivia stood in front of the glass were the animals were and screamed in excitement!  She even licked the glass in front of her, pretty gross but a classic toddler moment.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Busy Weekend!

We had an exciting weekend here!
Mother-in-law, Aunt-in-law, Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law came in on Friday.
Company Picnic on Saturday at Sea World.
Friend Baby Shower on Sunday afternoon.
Sister-in-Law Birthday party at our house Sunday night.

Olivia and Owen had much love this weekend!

I go back to work tomorrow-happy/sad at the same time about it.

So we will post details from this weekend when we have some down time.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Side by side


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Powers Family baby!

Don't worry- it's not ours :)

Sullivan Jerome Meyer
Born 6/11/08

Congrats Tricia and Rob!!!


It was Owen's 2 month checkup and Olivia's 15 month checkup (yes, I took them at the same time but my mom was there to help).

So-here's the run down:

Olivia:  She got 2 shots in her arms-she cried and got two fun band-aids.   The doctor commented on how pretty she is :) I asked him about how she only has 4 teeth (which she has had since she was 7 months) and he said that is normal sometimes and she will probably get them all at once - how fun for her!

Weight: 22 pounds 3 oz.
Height: 30 3/4 in.

Owen:  Owen is doing fine- I was concerned with his rigidity and muscle tightening and the doctor said it is normal.  We just have to do some stretches with him because his head is turned to one side more than the other (from his position in the womb) which is causing stiffness in one arm more than the other.  He got 4 shots in his legs, poor baby.  My mom was with him since I had Olivia crying outside the room.

Weight: 11 pound 8 1/2 oz.
Height: 22 in.

The doctor said they both look really good.  Olivia will not need any more shots until she is five. Yeah!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

What's up with the kids??

Best friends!

Owen figured out he has hands-now they are always in his mouth

Olivia is learning how to play basketball

Learning to sit on the potty-she says "potty" and just smiles!

Olivia is busy reading her first novel

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Olivia at work with daddy, she just did her first high fall!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Let's try something new...

I am testing this Google blog as an alternative and possible replacement to the MyFamily most of this will be tweaking and testing for now.  Welcome to the Crazy House of Powers!!